
今とは違う今も昔も変わらないカトリックのミサ(伝統的ラテン語ミサ)Traditional Latin Mass in Tokyo







_the resistance started in 2012, following the expulsion of _bishop _williamson and many other priests, who stood against any canonical arrangement with the new rome, unless _rome returned to _tradition.

After ten years the movement counts 120 priests and 8 bishops, including _archbishop Vigano, and is not consisting exclusively of former sspx priests, but the majority of priests are coming from the novus ordo, then become traditional, and others were trained as priests in recent years. _there is no sspx-so or sspx this or that in the resistance, but many different entities collaborating in parallel and all awaiting the conversion of the new Rome back to its own true self. There are dominicans, benedictines, MCSPX (for Asia essentially), independent groups of priests, independent priests who trust Bishop Williamson and the bishops he has consecrated. In most places the collaboration is very cordial and charitable, as can be proven by the recent 12 priest meeting in Kuala Lumpur, last January.

The resistance continues what should have been the role of the sspx, which is to welcome priests and faithful back into Catholic Tradition. Pope francis is very angry at the surge of Tradition everywhere, and the Resistance is advocating the total abolition of Vatican II and all its reforms.

Many people predicted that the Resistance would die and disappear, but it is now present on all five continents, and has safeguarded the continuity of sacraments by the continuity of episcopal consecration, and the continuity of doctrine by upholding the return of the Church at large to the teaching that was always taught before Vatican II.